CBD Landscape Construction, Surgical Treatment and Rehabilitation Service (STARS), Brisbane (QLD)

WINNER: Commercial Construction over $1M
Herston Quarter is a visionary five hectare health, hospital and aged care development, the first stage of the $1.1 billion master planned Herston Health Precinct, the project will elevate Brisbane’s international status as a world-leading healthcare and medical research precinct. Contractors part of the project comprised the new Surgical, Treatment and Rehabilitation Service building, and Spanish Steps.
The precinct’s master plan – with Hassell as lead designer – combines healthcare, education, housing, retail, recreation, and community spaces in one multi -connected place. It was designed to swap the regular clinical environment for a bright and welcoming setting, recognising the benefits access to green spaces to improve recovery times.
The vast quantity and short lead time available for these precast seating elements required some out of the box thinking , all precast concrete seating was undertaken inhouse by the contractor at our workspace at head office. We manufactured the moulds and poured concrete in-house, added bonus our admin and estimating staff who go to see firsthand how precast is done. Our Directors overseeing each step of the process helped keep this project on program with excellent quality of the resulting product.
Access throughout the project was difficult, from the internal courtyards and balcony planters through to access to Level 3, all craneage external to building was by done by the contractor and included multiple visits by 130 tonne cranes. The gardens throughout the Spanish Stairs area go down to natural ground level which required almost 1000 cubic metres of special drainage and fill, along with structural beams to be installed prior to the delivery of soil to the gardens.
CBD worked closely with the LA, Hassell, to procure the tree and shrub varieties, this process was extensive with plants sourced from multiple nurseries in Southeast Queensland, these trees and plants, coupled with a specialised mix of podium soil has allowed the landscape thrive over the past 12 months. The final result we feel was exceptional as a result of excellent plant quality combined with the selection and installation, Spanish Steps and Level 4 Courtyard look unreal.
“This outstanding project was constructed within a master planned medical precinct and achieves its brief of creating a bright and welcoming environment that promotes the benefits of green space to overall health and patient recovery.
“The stairs and seating have a lovely aspect and detailing. The planting is outstanding and the journey through this steep exposed space is an enjoyable experience. Lighting, irrigation, the hard and soft landscape elements are beautifully detailed, and the plant growth is lush, healthy and vibrant.
“The contractor had to overcome significant site and time challenges which required planning, supervision, communication, and high-level technical skills. The manufacture and pouring of a substantial number of concrete moulds, installation of special drainage, fill and structural foundations, in addition to the extensive procurement and planting of green life, make this a highly technical construction from many perspectives.
“The end result is a testament to the overall skills of the contractor and a very impressive project.”