Scapex Landscapes, Sunkids, Royal Pines (QLD)

Scapex Landscapes Sunkids 04

CATEGORY: Commercial Construction up to $500,000

Utilising a variety of natural materials, Scapex Landscapes were able to create a functional, attractive and unique playspace for this Benowa childcare centre.

With an aim to provide essential tactile and sensory engagement, the Sunkids childcare centre at Royal Pines, Benowa introduced a variety of natural materials to provide essential tactile and sensory engagement. Including sandstone crazy paving, concrete bike track, yarning circle formed from sandstone blocks, a combination of sandstone boulders and large bluestone steppers that were seamlessly integrated to provide an attractive contrast to the other materials used.

A combination of hardwood timber elements was featured in the project including a large timber deck, a tepee and natural log seating area, natural log misting pols and bespoke timber rills that provide waterplay elements to the playspace.

The centre also introduced the opportunity for interaction between both flora and fauna with a careful selection of sub-tropical plant life in garden beds and a bespoke walk-in bird aviary.

The entire project is a wonderland of fun for the children at Sunkids childcare through its creative construction and design.

“This project demonstrates extremely strong landscape construction techniques. Natural materials feature throughout and provide for attractive contrasts. A standout inclusion is the hardwood timber throughout. This natural product has been used in innovative ways and executed with precision. Waterplay and subtropical plants feature throughout the playscape providing rainforest aspects and even include a bespoke walk-in bird aviary. A well-constructed and robust project suitable for the challenging environment of a childcare centre.”

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Scapex Landscapes, Sunkids, Royal Pines (QLD)
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Scapex Landscapes, Sunkids, Royal Pines (QLD)
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Scapex Landscapes, Sunkids, Royal Pines (QLD)
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Scapex Landscapes, Sunkids, Royal Pines (QLD)