Climbing Tree Creations, Glenthorne National Park – Ityamaiitpinna Yarta playspace Stage 2 & 3 (SA)

Climbingtree Glenthorne 1

CATEGORY: Commercial $500,000 – $1M


Branching off the themes and layout developed by TCL, Climbing Tree Creations brought this National Park playground to life using natural elements and endless play opportunities.

Centred around the existing swale which was formed and naturalised with stone and salvaged trees, provide endless play opportunities. As children play and wander down the creek with multiple crossing and challenges, they will find a multitude of creative a physical play experiences. Large salvaged trees have been creatively upended and replanted to provide a stand for cultural sculptures towering in the sky and telling the story of the season changes and the significant features of these times.

Towers and slides representing the large hollow red gums you will see along rivers in the flinders rangers offer up exploration as children clamber over exposed roots to climb inside to reach the top to slide down to find another challenge to ascend again.

Catering to a range of abilities and ways in which children interact with their environment the construction of this play space offers up a range of play and sensory experiences to further improve inclusive play opportunities.

Climbingtree Glenthorne 4
Climbing Tree Creations, Glenthorne National Park – Ityamaiitpinna Yarta playspace
Climbingtree Glenthorne 3
Climbing Tree Creations, Glenthorne National Park – Ityamaiitpinna Yarta playspace
Climbingtree Glenthorne 5
Climbing Tree Creations, Glenthorne National Park – Ityamaiitpinna Yarta playspace
Climbingtree Glenthorne 2
Climbing Tree Creations, Glenthorne National Park – Ityamaiitpinna Yarta playspace